Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The dark lecture theatre

Every week, most of my lectures begin at 12 noon or later - except for Wednesdays. Today my first lecture is at 10 am [which is too early for me!]. Having stayed up till 6 am doing various homework assignments and what not, I decided that I had to stay up for my lecture since there was no way I could wake up after sleeping for a couple of hours. And how does trying to be a devoted student repay me?

An empty lecture theatre!

I looked through the window and it was completely dark, so I assumed it must be the transition between showing students a video and reverting to the slides. After standing there for a minute or two I realised there was no lecture. Nothing!

Was the professor trying to play a ridiculous joke on us? I quickly took a seat at the closest bench near LT14 to check if the venue had been changed for today's class. I found the following announcement on IVLE:

Dear Students,
A friendly reminder for those amongst us who skipped lecture last week that we will have no lecture Wednesday, Feb 14.
This is to allow students and your mentors to participate in the CNM Industry Advisory Council.
Besides, being thorough PR professionals, we wouldn't dream of ruining your Valentine's Day romance!

Gene Van Heerden, Ganga Sasidharan & Raaj Chandran

[Yes, I did skip last week's lecture. *chuckle*]

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