Sunday, March 30, 2008

Whims and Feelings

It's a weird feeling to not feel. To not care. To be oblivious to life. Desensitization.

You feel larger than life. You think life will bend to accommodate your whims and fantasies. Not the other way around.

You stop valuing people. Relationships. You give up hope on humankind. You fall into a downward spiral.

You feel better when you think of her. You continue to dream, to fantasize. And life starts to make some sense again. Until you get that email.

You try to contain it all in your head. You tell yourself you can deal with it. You can make it.

You just need someone to hold your hand.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

PMS - Verb or Noun?

Sure you think it's a sensitive topic to discuss - whether you're a guy or a girl, or anywhere in between. But it's a fact of life, you know, like death, or halawa. These things exist in life and you have to learn to deal with them.

Personally, I think PMS is great if you're the one who's doing it. (In this context, PMS means whining - read on for more details.) For example, my computer has been PMSing since a few weeks now. Low disk space errors, viruses and what not. I finally reinstalled Windows but the errors continued. So I re-reinstalled it. It feels much better now after I have given it enough attention but every now and then it asks me to restart it so that some new updates can be installed. But I have too many PMSers to deal with. So I'm moving on.

That brings me to the question of what is this PMS. How do you pronounce this word? It's pee-em-ess by the way, and that is the noun form, and so is PMSer - a person who is PMSing. Pee-em-ess-ing is the verb.

PMS is the state/act (noun/verb) of acting out on an impulse of your emotions. To PMS effectively, you must make sure you don't rationalize or use any logic. Intuition and bad judgment will get you the attention you deserve.

To tackle PMS, think of it as war. Either you can be the brave warrior that fights on the forefront and doesn't step back. The warrior would continue to battle until he either dies or wins. Or you can be the one that runs away - hoping the war would end soon on its own and life would return to normal.

PMS is exhibited by many but only a few people realize they are dealing with it when they are dealing with it. Your cell phone could be PMSing, or your browser, your guy friends, your girl friends, your boyfriend or girlfriend, your siblings, the weather, the stove, school assignments, your leather boots, Photoshop, bank balance - just about anything!

So watch out!

Disclaimer: I used the computer's PMS as an example to illustrate that this phenomenon is not observed in just one gender or species. I am definitely not comparing women to computers. PMS is prevalent in every living and non-living thing and the sooner we become aware of it (and learn the tackle it) the better off we will be. Good luck to you.

Friday, March 21, 2008

31 days

After such massive abuse, there is no choice left but to reinstall Windows.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Status Updates on Facebook

March 13:

Nabeel is running through tissue paper rolls and cussing at the NUS CCA points' system.


Nabeel is running through tissue paper rolls.


March 10:

Nabeel 's greatest dream is to see ZERO UNREAD emails in his inbox...


March 9:

Nabeel is pulling his hair out!!!! *&%^$%@!


March 6:

Nabeel is sick and tired of being sick and tired.


March 1:

Nabeel wants to ride the world's largest observation wheel and then compare it with the eye in London.


February 28:

Nabeel has Chlorine in his lungs.


February 27:

Nabeel is keeping the faith...


Nabeel feels like a tabula rasa.


Nabeel is grilled.


February 25:

Nabeel is in for some massive grilling.


February 22:

Nabeel is dead dead dead (and the week has not really ended for him).


February 21:

Nabeel is dead.


February 19:

Nabeel is going through his crisis week.


February 17:

Nabeel is sneezing like a pig... Oh wait, do pigs sneeze?


Nabeel is looking for Sweeney Todd but can't find it on Ares.


February 16:

Nabeel is lovin' it.


February 15:

Nabeel is the internal communications expert in Yahoo!
