I think it is ironic how the videomakers have experienced
fame at the expense of Muslims’ innocence. The quality of their work is so bad
that they would be chased out by rabid dogs if they ever stepped into
Hollywood. But not now, I fear.
Now they’re famous – all because of sentimental, ignorant,
emotional and passionate Muslims. If you are lost and still don’t know why I am
‘attacking Muslims’, please allow me to try
to explain.
There are millions of websites on the Internet that generate
content (videos, articles, photos, etc.) through
users. With thousands of submissions each day, they usually push the most-liked
or most-clicked content to their ‘front’ pages. This means that if you click on
a YouTube video a lot, it will be pushed to the main landing page of their site,
get noticed and get EVEN more clicks!
A ridiculous attempt at offending Muslims through the ‘movie’
called Innocence of Muslims would
probably never have reached the viral potential it has now achieved if offended
Muslims had not talked about it, written about it, or signed petition after
petition asking for it to be removed. Silence is the best weapon here – the same
way you ignore irritating beggars on Kalma
Perhaps you and your friends were not stupid enough to
search for the video(s) and view them, but the majority of Muslims give in to
their curiosity, clicking-through to the video to see “what’s so offensive
about it after all.” You might even have stopped watching it after the first
minute or so but your ‘view’ has already been counted in the statistics and
given the video an additional viral buzz.
I have received an overwhelming amount of invites through
Facebook Causes and other badly designed Facebook applications asking me to
sign a petition or support a cause by clicking through, but I refuse to comply –
because I probably have 1000+ non-Muslim friends on my list, and I don’t want news
of the video (or angry Muslims’ protesting violently) to be made known to them.
But my efforts are always in vain. Thousands of Muslims have
already protested over the short film by burning tires, and damaging property –
even killing a person who had nothing to do with the making of the film. I am
worried that some Muslims will kill themselves when they realize they were
responsible for the short film to have achieved headlines across the world.
I understand your intentions were genuine – you could do
nothing else but raise your voice, but when you raise your voice, some of us
get carried away by emotion and do some stupid things. In fact, when you ‘raise
your voice’, you fuel the viral spread, and now, because you got upset and
shared it with your friends, your friends are upset too, and their friends are
probably also upset – and so on and so forth till such videos become #1 on the “most
viewed’ lists.
I hope I have managed to make my point. Maybe next time,
Muslims – upon seeing or hearing about something offensive to them – will quietly
report it, not talk about it and try their level best not to make headlines. I
sincerely think that is the best way to avoid such offensive content to be
promoted by Muslims themselves.