Monday, April 21, 2008

Selling Blogs

With a title like that, you would probably expect some advice on how to make money from your blogs. Sorry to disappoint you if that was your expectation when you clicked in.

What I mean by selling blogs is selling the idea of blogging to someone who doesn't blog - something I have done a lot in the past months (well, ever since I started to blog myself). Naturally, some of these people (to my surprise, actually) started blogging and some of the more established ones are by:
So my dear readers, do check out their blogs because at least one of them told me my blog inspired them to start writing, which is a very heart-warming compliment indeed.

And while you're at it, two more people have joined in and they have some impressive posts, to say the least. They are by:
So hang around their virtual homes (i.e. their blogs), read their stuff and comment if you will.

The exam period is floating in the air in NUS and everyone is tensed up in this Reading Week, so a little distraction might only help. (Sorry if it doesn't!)

Disclaimer: I should say that I wasn't the only factor to have influenced the above-mentioned writers to start blogging; all I am saying is that I played a role (to whatever extent) in convincing them to start writing, and this is my way of showing my appreciation for them by making this post.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

All About The Money

You're always happy when you are out spending money, aren't you? But is that really happiness? Is that really fun?

Think about it. You go out with friends, watch a movie, grab a bite to eat, stumble upon a bar on the way back where you have a few drinks, and maybe grab an ice-cream somewhere along the way. As you go to bed that night, you have a smile on your face that says, "I have friends. I hang out with them and it's fun. I am so lucky."

And that is the story of just one day when you went out to have a little fun. There are at least 30 days in each month (yeah, yeah, I know that about Feb).

All is well until you reach the end of the month (or the beginning, depending on your cycle), when you start receiving your bills and (oh no!) bank statements. Only then you realize how much fun it had really been.

Unfortunately, we soon realize that money doesn't grow on trees. And if it did, others wouldn't have been as lazy as you and would've gotten to them first, leaving nothing for you. Yes; yes. I am not writing anything new here. This is not a new phenomenon I have discovered. It's an age-old adage.

It forces me to think, why, after being such smart and intelligent people (at least most of us), why do we keep doing the same things? Vicious circles. Why are we so afraid to say no?

Are we afraid that we might be disliked by our peers? Or looked down upon?

I don't know about you all out there but I could certainly learn a lesson or two in the art of saying 'no' and sticking with that decision.

And while we're on this, why can't people understand that 'no' doesn't mean, "Keep asking me again and again until I say 'yes'"? That's like offering someone a cigarette over and over again when they just announced they've quit smoking.

*Madonna sings in the background: "'Cause we are living in a material world..."*

I just wish I would not get suckered into this capitalist mumbo-jumbo about money making us all happy just by spending it. It does not give us all we need in life. I don't buy it.

But I see no outs.

Sometimes I find another world inside my mind
When I realize the crazy things we do
It makes me feel ashamed to be alive
It makes me wanna run away and hide

It's all about the money
It's all about the dum dum du du du dum
I don't think it's funny
To see us fade away
It's all about the money
It's all about the dum dum du du du dum
And I think we got it all wrong anyway

We find strange ways
Of showing them how much we really care
When in fact we just don't seem to care at all
This pretty world is getting out of hand
So tell me how we fail to understand

It's all about the money
All about the dum dum du du du dum
I don't think it's funny
To see us fade away
It's all about the money
It's all about the dum dum du du du dum
And I think we got it all wrong anyway, anyway

'Cause it's all about the money

It's all about the money
All about the dum dum du du du dum
I don't think it's funny
To see us fade away
It's all about the money
All about the dum dum du du du dum
And I think we got it all wrong anyway

It's all about the money
It's all about the dum dum du du du dum
I don't think it's funny
To see us fade away
It's all about the money
It's all about the dum dum du du du dum
And I think we got it all wrong anyway, anyway

Monday, April 14, 2008

Job Interviews


I am a geek. It's official.

I can't help but to have outbursts of geek talk. It doesn't matter if I am sitting in a group of non-geeks. I just can't help myself.

I start Facebook groups like Revive BillMonk to protest the errors in the BillMonk service (which is actually an excellent service by the way). And my reason is that I just can't believe there's a fantastic website out there that has a major bug and it's not being fixed.

I use Mozilla Firefox because it has add-ons like the Facebook toolbar, the Google toolbar, SearchStatus 1.21 that shows Alexa and PageRank rankings, and Screengrab! 0.93, that helps save the entire web page as an image (very useful).

I also manage to hang Firefox because I don't restart it for days, have more than 15 tabs open at any given time, and I have two different versions of Adobe Acrobat (8.0 and 8.1) installed on my computer. There are times when I open a page that requires a Java applet to run (Internet banking or Facebook image uploader) while I open an Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) document in another tab, when at the same time a Facebook Notification (from the toolbar) pops up and that totally crashes my browser.

Thankfully, Mozilla saves all the web pages that are open before it hangs and when I open it again I get the option to 'Restore Session'. *smiles cheekily*

When I talk about things that totally inspire me, people often zone out because they don't want to listen to geek-talk (or know how to). You could get me started by saying something absurd like, "Yahoo is better than Google".

I am so passionate about most Google products that I just won't tolerate an accusation like that. Yeah, I use most Google products: AdSense, AdWords, Analytics, Base, Blogger, Calendar, Docs, Gmail, Groups, iGoogle, Maps, Notebook, orkut, Picasa Web Albums, Reader, Talk, Web History, and Webmaster Tools.

Why was there a need to make this post? Why tell the world you're a geek?

It's fairly simple - when people hear me talk (yap!) about geeky stuff, they feel like calling me a geek. But people are polite (yes, it's true!) so they don't.

But I don't mind being called a geek. It's only true. So go right ahead. Say it.

PS. This post may not make any sense at all. If you bothered reading it, you are either jobless or you just can't consume any more text books (reference to the NUS exam period). To the latter, I wish good luck.